Posts Tagged spacers

Welcome to all Ex Spacers!

A big welcome to all ex Spacers. This  blog is intended to keep a ‘roll call’ of ex Spacers so that we can all find each other on either or alternatively if you have decided that WordPress is not for you, Blogger or some other site.

Some of us have had to change our names since having to move over here, so our old Spacers friends might have difficulty in finding  us.  We will be using the Comments on here to add our new home’s URL to the list so that everyone else can find our new home’s easily.

I’ll start off to illustrate how this ‘roll call’ will work. Using comments will show your Avatar (or Gravatar) as well so that everyone can hover over it and access a little bit of detail about you.

NOTE! Try hovering your mouse over the picture of each of you. You will be able to see more info about each other including Anne’s forgotten URL for her Blogger blog! You can include as much extra info as you like in there including other URL’s or pictures (as Chip has done in his) and a small amount of info about yourself.  You add this in your dashboard by going to Users, My Profile and adding any information about yourself that you don’t mind sharing with others when they hover over your Avatar picture.


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